Smart Baby
Russian/English bi-lingual Preschool and Child Care.
About us

Smart Baby Preschool Mission Statement
The Smart Baby Preschool is committed to providing bi-lingual English/Russian learning experiences for each child in preparation for early success and school readiness.
Smart Baby Preschool Vision Statement
Our preschool staff will provide students with a broad range of educational & fun opportunities that will help each child learn to the best of his or her abilities. We will strive to develop literacy skills in Russian and English as well as provide experiences that enrich each child's social, emotional, physical, cognitive, intellectual, and creative abilities. Preschool children will have a safe, welcoming, wholesome, and advanced educational environment in which children can solve problems and express their feelings through words, art, cultures, and other creative areas. We will expose preschoolers into the world through positive character classes and experiences, which will help shape them into successful members of a social world.Parents’ involvement is crucial in children’s educational process; therefore, we will constantly encourage parents to stay involved in the process.